There was another testknit I couldn't resist taking part in - it was a small item and I had suitable yarn at home (had been lying around for ages now). This is how the Flower-Power-Poncho came to life and my daughter is wearing it all the time. As it fits her perfectly I will have to knit a bigger one from the yarn that is still here. I am especially happy that I managed to crochet some flowers. :-)
Anleitung/Pattern: Flower-Power-Poncho
Designer: Marianne Müller
Wolle/Yarn: Vento von Zitron (200g) und rosa Wollreste (pink yarn)
das kann ich verstehen, dass sie den Poncho nicht mehr
AntwortenLöschenausziehen mag. Schön warm und mit ganz viel Bewegungsfreiheit, ist doch perfekt und hübsch noch dazu.
Liebe Grüße Astrid