Hey, I have started. I chose to use the cat fabric first to get familiar with the handling of my sewing machine. The result is a loop scarf with cats on the one side and pink fabric with pink dots on the other side. My daughter likes it. Sewing together gave me something to think about but I decided to ask youtube for help and then it worked. Today I made my second loop. Before sewing I cut the fabric and drew a line so that the seam looks a little nicer. The flower-leaves-loop scarf is for myself. I enjoyed making those scarves. There will be more.
Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013
Die Loops kommen I / The loop scarves are coming I
So, ich habe angefangen. Als Erstes habe ich mir den Katzenstoff vorgenommen und überhaupt mal die Bedienung meiner Nähmaschine im Ernstfall geübt. Das Ergebnis ist ein Loop mit Katzen auf der einen Seite und rosa Stoff mit rosanen Punkten auf der anderen Seite. Meine Tochter findet ihn prima. Das Zusammennähen der kurzen Seiten hat mir etwas Kopfzerbrechen bereitet. Doch dann habe ich den Youtube-Joker gezogen und auf einmal ging es. Heute habe ich mich an den zweiten Loop gemacht und den Stoff erstmal ordentlich zugeschnitten und eine Linie gezogen, damit die Naht etwas ordentlicher wird. Für mich habe ich den Blumen-Blätter-Loop genäht. Hat Spaß gemacht. Weitere Loops sind in Planung.
Hey, I have started. I chose to use the cat fabric first to get familiar with the handling of my sewing machine. The result is a loop scarf with cats on the one side and pink fabric with pink dots on the other side. My daughter likes it. Sewing together gave me something to think about but I decided to ask youtube for help and then it worked. Today I made my second loop. Before sewing I cut the fabric and drew a line so that the seam looks a little nicer. The flower-leaves-loop scarf is for myself. I enjoyed making those scarves. There will be more.
Hey, I have started. I chose to use the cat fabric first to get familiar with the handling of my sewing machine. The result is a loop scarf with cats on the one side and pink fabric with pink dots on the other side. My daughter likes it. Sewing together gave me something to think about but I decided to ask youtube for help and then it worked. Today I made my second loop. Before sewing I cut the fabric and drew a line so that the seam looks a little nicer. The flower-leaves-loop scarf is for myself. I enjoyed making those scarves. There will be more.
Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013
Stoffe ziehen ein / Fabric is moving in
Ich musste heute in die Stadt, um mir ein Top für die Hochzeit meines Bruders zu kaufen. Da war es klar, dass ich die Gelegenheit wahrnehme, um mich mit Stoffen einzudecken. Es werden alles Loops. Ich zeige einfach mal meine Auswahl:
I had to go into town today anyway to buy a top for my brother's wedding. Naturally I took the opportunity to buy plenty of fabric. This is what I bought. The mushrooms are for my daughter (child 3), the red and flowery fabric is for me, the cats are for my daughter, the motorbikes are for child 2 but child 1 already mentioned that he likes the fabric very much, too, the white flowers are for me (most likely). They will all become loop scarves.
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Fliegenpilze für die Tochter (Kind 3) |
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Blumen für mich |
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Katzen für die Tochter |
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Vermutlich auch für mich |
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Motorräder für Kind 2, Kind 1 hat auch Interesse |
I had to go into town today anyway to buy a top for my brother's wedding. Naturally I took the opportunity to buy plenty of fabric. This is what I bought. The mushrooms are for my daughter (child 3), the red and flowery fabric is for me, the cats are for my daughter, the motorbikes are for child 2 but child 1 already mentioned that he likes the fabric very much, too, the white flowers are for me (most likely). They will all become loop scarves.
Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2013
Noch mehr zu tun / Even more to do
Es ist passiert - ich hatte es fast befürchtet. Ich habe ein neues Hobby: das Nähen. Nachdem ich die Kissenhüllen genäht hatte, musste ich mir eine Nähmaschine kaufen. Glücklicherweise fand mein Mann das ausnahmsweise total gut, so nach dem Motto: Ein guter Haushalt muss eine Nähmaschine haben (wenn die Frau schon keine Kirschen andicken kann). Also durfte ich eine bestellen. Heute ist sie angekommen. Ausprobiert habe ich sie auch direkt und habe aus Stoff vom Autokissen noch einen Kinderloop genäht. Und während ich so nähte, sagte mein lieber Mann auf einmal: "Oh, jetzt nähst du ja auch noch!" mit leichter Panik in der Stimme. Morgen werde ich noch passenderen Stoff für Loops besorgen.
It has happened - I feared it might. I have a new hobby: sewing. Having sewn the cushion covers I simply had to buy a sewing machine. Luckily my husband thought it was a good idea believing that every good household needs a sewing machine (especially if the wife cannot make cherry sauce for waffels). So I was allowed to order one. It arrived today. I had to try it out immediately and made a loop scarf for my son from the fabric with cars. While I was sewing away my dear husband suddenly said - slightly panicking: "Oh dear, you will be sewing, too!" Tomorrow I will buy more suitable fabric for loop scarves.
It has happened - I feared it might. I have a new hobby: sewing. Having sewn the cushion covers I simply had to buy a sewing machine. Luckily my husband thought it was a good idea believing that every good household needs a sewing machine (especially if the wife cannot make cherry sauce for waffels). So I was allowed to order one. It arrived today. I had to try it out immediately and made a loop scarf for my son from the fabric with cars. While I was sewing away my dear husband suddenly said - slightly panicking: "Oh dear, you will be sewing, too!" Tomorrow I will buy more suitable fabric for loop scarves.
Samstag, 16. Februar 2013
Fremdgegangen / Been unfaithful
Leider muss ich heute ein Geständnis ablegen: Es ist nichts Gestricktes fertig geworden. Ich habe noch nicht einmal etwas Neues angefangen zu stricken. Nein, ich habe genäht. Ich wollte das schon länger mal ausprobieren, doch irgendwie hat es nie geklappt, was auch daran scheiterte, dass ich keine Nähmaschine habe. Astrid hat mir eine Nähstunde angeboten, die ich gerne angenommen habe - es waren de facto allerdings fünf Stunden und dann konnte ich für Kind 2 und Kind 3 diese schönen Kissen mit nach Hause nehmen. Danke, liebe Astrid.
Today I have something to confess: I haven't finished anything I knitted. I have not even started a new project. No, I tried sewing. I have wanted to do this for quite a while now, but somehow it never worked out, partly because I don't own a sewing machine. Astrid offered some tuition in sewing - an offer I couldn't resist. It took five hours and I could take these beautiful cushions for child 2 and child 3 home. Thank you for being so kind, Astrid.
Today I have something to confess: I haven't finished anything I knitted. I have not even started a new project. No, I tried sewing. I have wanted to do this for quite a while now, but somehow it never worked out, partly because I don't own a sewing machine. Astrid offered some tuition in sewing - an offer I couldn't resist. It took five hours and I could take these beautiful cushions for child 2 and child 3 home. Thank you for being so kind, Astrid.
Montag, 11. Februar 2013
Glitzersocken / Glittery socks
So, da bin ich zum zweiten Mal heute. Ich möchte jetzt das Versprechen dieser Seite einhalten und mein erstes Strickstück zeigen. Es handelt sich um Socken in Größe 30/31, gestrickt aus Opal Hundertwasser Silver. Das Muster ist von Wolletraum und heißt 4x HexHex. Ich habe es auf nur einer Nadel gestrickt. Deshalb gibt es nur einen Ausschnitt des schönen Musters. Es strickt sich super und macht echt was her.
Well, two posts on the same day. I want to keep the promise of this page and show my first finished object (it's not really my first but the first one here). Here you can see glittery socks in size 30/31, knitted from Opal Hundertwasser Silver. The pattern is by Wolletraum called 4x HexHex. I only knitted the pattern on one needle. This is why I only show you a detail of the lovely pattern. It easy to knit and really looks brilliant.
Well, two posts on the same day. I want to keep the promise of this page and show my first finished object (it's not really my first but the first one here). Here you can see glittery socks in size 30/31, knitted from Opal Hundertwasser Silver. The pattern is by Wolletraum called 4x HexHex. I only knitted the pattern on one needle. This is why I only show you a detail of the lovely pattern. It easy to knit and really looks brilliant.
Wer ich bin / Who I am
Es gehört sich so, dass man sich erst einmal vorstellt. Mein Name ist Sandra, ich arbeite als Lehrerin. Zusammen mit meinem Mann und drei Kindern (2004, 2008, 2010) wohne ich im östlichen Ruhrgebiet. Stricken ist derzeit mein Lieblingshobby, da es schön ist, etwas mit den Händen herzustellen. Hier möchte ich regelmäßig meine fertigen Werke zeigen. Dann bin ich gespannt, wie sich das ganze weiterentwickelt, denn vor nicht allzulanger Zeit hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass ich so gerne Blogs lese, geschweige denn mir selber einen anlege. Mehr als einen Eintrag pro Monat habe ich mir erstmal nicht vorgenommen.
It is a question of politeness to introduce oneself first of all. My name is Sandra, I am working as a teacher. I live in the Ruhr area in Germany with my husband and our three children (2004, 2008, 2010). Knitting is my favourite hobby at the moment because I enjoy making things with my hands. Here I'd like to show you my finished objects (Sandra's knitted things) I am curious how this will develop, since I've never thought that I would enjoy readings blogs so much - not at all creating one myself. I thought that I might start with one post a month.
It is a question of politeness to introduce oneself first of all. My name is Sandra, I am working as a teacher. I live in the Ruhr area in Germany with my husband and our three children (2004, 2008, 2010). Knitting is my favourite hobby at the moment because I enjoy making things with my hands. Here I'd like to show you my finished objects (Sandra's knitted things) I am curious how this will develop, since I've never thought that I would enjoy readings blogs so much - not at all creating one myself. I thought that I might start with one post a month.
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