Dieser Stoff hat mich so angelächelt, dass ich nicht widerstehen konnte. Er musste mit. Ich habe mir wieder mein Standard-Shirt genäht (Emely) und diesmal ging es richtig gut. Ich bin ziemlich zufrieden.
This fabric smiled at me so that I could not resist. I had to buy it. Once more I made the only shirt I can sew (Emely) and this time it went really well. I am really happy with it.
Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013
Samstag, 27. Juli 2013
Auto-T-Shirt / Car T-Shirt
Es ist ein neues T-Shirt für meinen jüngeren Sohn fertig geworden. Den Stoff hat sich der Autoliebhaber selber ausgesucht.
I made another T-Shirt for my younger son. He chose the fabric himself - the car lover.
Modell: Tomboy von Farbenmix in Gr. 98/104
I made another T-Shirt for my younger son. He chose the fabric himself - the car lover.
Modell: Tomboy von Farbenmix in Gr. 98/104
Freitag, 26. Juli 2013
Olivia in den Weinbergen / Olivia in the vineyard
Dies sind ein Paar Socken zum Verschenken. Der Strang ist aus dem Unikatabo von Tausendschön. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass dieses Jahr sehr viel Grün dabei ist, doch vielleicht meine ich das nur, weil ich Grün nicht so gerne mag. In dieser Kombination gefällt es mir dann wirklich gut:
This is a pair of socks which I am going to give a away. The yarn is taken from the monthly special by Tausendschön. I have the feeling that there is a lot of green this year but I might be mistaken as I don't like green that much. But I really like this combination.
Muster/Pattern: In den Weinbergen
Designer: Regina Satta
Wolle / Yarn: Tausendschön Handgefärbte Sockenwolle, Olivia, 71 gr
This is a pair of socks which I am going to give a away. The yarn is taken from the monthly special by Tausendschön. I have the feeling that there is a lot of green this year but I might be mistaken as I don't like green that much. But I really like this combination.
Muster/Pattern: In den Weinbergen
Designer: Regina Satta
Wolle / Yarn: Tausendschön Handgefärbte Sockenwolle, Olivia, 71 gr
Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013
RUMS#30: Wellenschlag / a new scarf
Heute ist mein neues Tuch endlich fertig geworden. Die Entstehungsgeschichte ist etwas kompliziert. Es handelt sich um einen Teststrick von Janukke, die parallel zwei sehr ähnliche Tücher entworfen hat. Eigentlich wollte ich das große Tuch stricken. Patricia war so nett mir Wollmeisen-Wolle zur Auswahl zu schicken. Ich habe mir also das schönste Blau ausgesucht und losgelegt. Erst als ich in der Mitte war, dämmerte mir, dass ich nicht genug Wolle haben würde, denn diesen Teil der Anleitung habe ich nicht besonders ausführlich studiert. Die Wolljagd ging los, denn ich wusste nicht einmal, welches Wollmeisen-Blau ich da erwischt hatte. Ich habe hier und da gesucht und in der Wollmeisengruppe auf Ravelry hat mir eine Strickkollegin einen Strang verkauft - der war superschön, aber leider ein ganz anderes Blau und zudem mit Lila. Auf meinem Stricktreffen brachte mir eine andere liebe Kollegin (Hallo Willow!) einen blauen Strang Wollmeise mit, sah das Tuch und war ganz betrübt, dass es nicht passen würde. Ich war trotzdem total happy, denn der Strang passte zu dem anderen blau-lila Strang! So ist es nicht mit dem Sonnenfeuer geworden, sondern ein Wellenschlag. Und da ich es Jana nächste Woche zeigen möchte, musste es jetzt einfach mal fertig werden.
Today I finished my new scarf. The development of this scarf is somewhat complicated. It was a testknit for Janukke who designed two similar scarves. Origninally I wanted to knit the larger one. Patricia was kind and sent me some Wollmeise yarn to choose from. I took the most beautiful blue and started. When I was halfway through I realised that I would not have enough yarn to finish it, obviously I had not read this part of the pattern thoroughly. Wool hunting began as I did not even know which Wollmeise blue I was using. I looked here and there and a kind raveler from the German Wollmeisen group sold me some - unfortunately it was a totally different blue with some purple. On a regular knitters' meeting a nice fellow knitter (Hello Willow!) brought me blue Wollmeise and when seeing the scarf was so unhappy that it did not fit. However I was over the moon as it was the same as the other one I had bought. So I did not knit the Sonnenfeuer but the Wellenschlag. As I want to show it to Jana next week I had to finish it.
Muster/Pattern: Wellenschlag
Designer: Jana Huck
Wolle/Yarn: Wollmeise Twin, vermutlich/maybe Moses, 153 g, NS 3,5
Mehr RUMS / more RUMS
Today I finished my new scarf. The development of this scarf is somewhat complicated. It was a testknit for Janukke who designed two similar scarves. Origninally I wanted to knit the larger one. Patricia was kind and sent me some Wollmeise yarn to choose from. I took the most beautiful blue and started. When I was halfway through I realised that I would not have enough yarn to finish it, obviously I had not read this part of the pattern thoroughly. Wool hunting began as I did not even know which Wollmeise blue I was using. I looked here and there and a kind raveler from the German Wollmeisen group sold me some - unfortunately it was a totally different blue with some purple. On a regular knitters' meeting a nice fellow knitter (Hello Willow!) brought me blue Wollmeise and when seeing the scarf was so unhappy that it did not fit. However I was over the moon as it was the same as the other one I had bought. So I did not knit the Sonnenfeuer but the Wellenschlag. As I want to show it to Jana next week I had to finish it.
Muster/Pattern: Wellenschlag
Designer: Jana Huck
Wolle/Yarn: Wollmeise Twin, vermutlich/maybe Moses, 153 g, NS 3,5
Mehr RUMS / more RUMS
Kleid genäht / I made a dress
Mein Mann sagte mir, dass meine Tochter nicht viele Kleider im Schrank hätte. Das geht natürlich nicht - das arme Kind! Also habe ich den Stoff genommen, der für eine Leggings gedacht war, habe von einem Kleid den Schnitt abgenommen, anderen Stoff ergänzt und dabei ist das hier herausgekommen. Auch wenn die Details immer noch nicht so schön verarbeitet sind, wie ich mir das vorstelle, bin ich ganz zufrieden.
My husband said that my daughter does not have many dresses in her wardrobe. We can't have that - poor child! That's why I took some fabrics which was meant for leggings, looked at another dress for the measurenments, used some other fabric that was left over and this is what came out. Even if the details are not really nicely done - the way I would like me to be able to do it - I am quite happy with it.
My husband said that my daughter does not have many dresses in her wardrobe. We can't have that - poor child! That's why I took some fabrics which was meant for leggings, looked at another dress for the measurenments, used some other fabric that was left over and this is what came out. Even if the details are not really nicely done - the way I would like me to be able to do it - I am quite happy with it.
Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013
Schmetterlingsdecke / Butterfly Blanket
Nicht, dass ihr denkt, ich stricke nicht mehr. Die angefangenen Sachen werden so nach und nach fertig. Außerdem habe ich ein Großprojekt in Angriff genommen. Ich stricke mir eine Schmetterlingsdecke. Es ist ein Teststrick für Jana, deren Post ihr hier lesen könnt. Ich habe mir für Kauni mit Farbverlauf entschieden und bin mit dem ersten Set ganz zufrieden. Leider kann ich nicht den ganzen Tag stricken - ich habe mir vorgenommen viel aufzuräumen und etwas für meine Fitness zu tun. Aber wem sag ich das ...
Hope you don't think I've stopped knitting. The things I've started are being finished one by one. And I've started a huge project. I am knitting a butterfly blanket. Again it is a test knit for Jana, whose post you can read here. I have decided to use Kauni with a colour change. You can see the first set of six on the photos. I am quite happy with them. Unfortunately I cannot knit all day - I want to tidy lots of things and become more fit. Well, you know about this ...
Hope you don't think I've stopped knitting. The things I've started are being finished one by one. And I've started a huge project. I am knitting a butterfly blanket. Again it is a test knit for Jana, whose post you can read here. I have decided to use Kauni with a colour change. You can see the first set of six on the photos. I am quite happy with them. Unfortunately I cannot knit all day - I want to tidy lots of things and become more fit. Well, you know about this ...
Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013
Was Warmes für den Hals / Something warm for my neck
Nachdem ich so viel angeschlagen hatte, muss jetzt mal fertig gestrickt werden. Gestern habe ich die Lintilla geschafft. Ein nettes Projekt, das auch mit 100 g Sockenwolle ein Tuch in guter Größe ergibt.
After I had started so many projects, it's time to finish them. Yesterday I finished this Lintilla. It's a nice project that results in a well-sized scarf with 100 g sock yarn.
Anleitung/Pattern: Lintilla
Designer: Martina Behm
Wolle/Yarn: Tausendschön Handgefärbte Sockenwolle, Café del Mar (Monatsunikat), 386 m, NS 4.
After I had started so many projects, it's time to finish them. Yesterday I finished this Lintilla. It's a nice project that results in a well-sized scarf with 100 g sock yarn.
Anleitung/Pattern: Lintilla
Designer: Martina Behm
Wolle/Yarn: Tausendschön Handgefärbte Sockenwolle, Café del Mar (Monatsunikat), 386 m, NS 4.
Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013
RUMS#28: Bonbontuch / Sweet Shawl
Auch wenn ich hier längere Zeit nichts gepostet habe, war ich doch aktiv. Einerseits musste ich schulisch noch Einiges abarbeiten (u.a. auch die geliebten Zeugnisse erstellen, die erstaunlich viel Verwaltungsarbeit nach sich ziehen), andererseits hatte ich auf einmal wieder so viele Projekte gleichzeitig, dass ich nichts fertig bekommen habe. Diesmal zeige ich ein Tuch, das ich im Rahmen eines Wickel-Wichtelns gestrickt habe. Silke aus Ba-Wü hat es für mich zusammengestellt und ich bin sehr zufrieden. Vielen Dank auf diesem Wege.
Although I have not posted here for a while I have been quite active. On the one hand I had to do some work for school (e.g. I had to make the end of reports for my form, which means a lot of administrative work acutally), on the other hand I have started many projects at the same time so that nothing was finished. Today I am showing you a shawl which I made for a secret Santa type of thing. People are given a name, choose presents and wrap them. You also buy a ball of yarn and wrap it around the presents so that they fall out while knitting. Very enjoyable. My ball was made by Silke from Southern Germany and I am really happy about it. Thank you, Silke.
Das Knäuel - the ball. |
Die Geschenke - the presents. |
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Mein Tuch - my shawl. |
Although I have not posted here for a while I have been quite active. On the one hand I had to do some work for school (e.g. I had to make the end of reports for my form, which means a lot of administrative work acutally), on the other hand I have started many projects at the same time so that nothing was finished. Today I am showing you a shawl which I made for a secret Santa type of thing. People are given a name, choose presents and wrap them. You also buy a ball of yarn and wrap it around the presents so that they fall out while knitting. Very enjoyable. My ball was made by Silke from Southern Germany and I am really happy about it. Thank you, Silke.
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