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Aus Kochbuch 1, allerdings habe ich die Pizza für mich in Flammkuchen umgewandelt. |
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Ohne Kochbuch, Nudeln mit Tomatensoße kann ich so, allerdings sind das Dinkelnudeln. |
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Aus Kochbuch 2, zusätzlich mit Schafskäse probiert. |
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Aus Kochbuch 3, allerdings mit Blätterteig. |
This week I looked into the advantages of meal planning. So far I have enjoyed eating what I felt like eating or the meal that was waiting for me freshly cooked on the cooker. But things have changed and I am cooking my own meals now. Unfortunately cooking following your appetite is not very practical on a day-to-day basis because going shopping all the time is quite annoying. So I have done meal planning for a week for testing. And I must say I am quite surprising how much I enjoyed it. The children helped choosing meals and the meal was noted on our board, so each kid would say: "On ... we are going to have my meal." So I realised it might just work out for me. The photos show what we ate.
verlinkt: karminrot
1) Veronika Pachala und Clara Beyer: Schnell und gesund kochen, München 2018.
2) Susanne Thiel und Dr. Nicolai Worm: Vegetarisch kochen mit der LOGI(R)-Methode, Lünen 2011-2015, 3. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage.
3) Kochen ohne Fleisch, Fränkisch-Culmbach 2011.
Tiptop. Viel Erfolg weiterhin. Einkaufen ist bestimmt viel einfacher. Liebe Grüsse von Regula