Das fiel alles zusammen mit den Prüfungen und unserer Baustelle am Haus (das Gerüst hatte zur Platzwunde meiner Tochter geführt) mit vier Gewerken zusammen. Wenn schon Stress, dann richtig. Dieses Wochenende war ich als Referentin für das Programm Erasmus+ und die Projektplattform eTwinning unterwegs, was mir wirklich gut getan hat.
Mein Sonntagsglück bestand aus dieser Torte, die mein Mann anlässlich der Rückkehr meiner Mutter aus dem Urlaub gemacht hat.
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Krankenhaus | Hospital |
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Blumen für Mama | Flowers for Mum |
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Draw your day |
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Erdbeer-Joghurt-Torte |
May has seen issues of health. On 1 May I had to take my daughter to hospital to have a wound cared for. On 10 May I took my son to hospital and two hours after our arrival I handed him over to the anaesthiologist and the nurse said to me: "Tell them what is important, please. I don't know anything." It was the right decision and my son is really fit today. My husband and I commuted between home and hospital for 6 days (80 min drive one way) in order to look after the children and organise our work. When we came home our son had to stay at home for one more week and we had to organise ourselves to look after him. After that I found it quite difficult to return to my daily life and I felt little depressive.
This coincided with exams and some building work going on at our house (the scaffolding caused our first visit to the hospital) with four different companies coming. If there is stress, there is STRESS. This weekend I worked as a teacher trainer for Erasmus+ and eTwinning which was really nice.
My Sunday happiness was this cake which my husband made on the occasion of my mother's return from her holiday.
verlinkt: karminrot | soulsister