Heute kurz und knapp - today it's short and to the point:
km: 9,16 km
Donnerstag, 29. September 2016
Montag, 26. September 2016
Auf den Nadeln / On my needles
Ich stricke immer noch regelmäßig - nicht so viel wie sonst, weil ich doch einiges arbeiten muss dieser Tage, aber dann doch immer mal wieder eine Reihe hier und eine Reihe da. Drei Projekte habe ich derzeit auf den Nadeln. Eins davon ist dieser Schal, den ich im November verschenken werde, damit er einem guten Zweck dienen kann. Die passende Mütze ist schon fertig. So ein Projekt, das du stricken kannst ohne hinzusehen, mag ich auch mal ganz gerne.
I am also knitting, quite regularly actually but not as much as I used to as I have quite a lot of work to do these days but I manage to knit a row here and a row there. I have three projects on my needles right now. One of them is this scarf which I am going to give away in November for the good cause. The matching hat has been finished already. Every now and again I like such a project you can knit without really looking at it.
I am also knitting, quite regularly actually but not as much as I used to as I have quite a lot of work to do these days but I manage to knit a row here and a row there. I have three projects on my needles right now. One of them is this scarf which I am going to give away in November for the good cause. The matching hat has been finished already. Every now and again I like such a project you can knit without really looking at it.
Samstag, 24. September 2016
Leggings II und Walking 38.2
Die Woche war ereignisreich und arbeitsintensiv. Gerade genieße ich das Nähen von Leggings für meine Tochter, denn das geht mal eben so zwischen Tür und Angel. Ich habe wieder weniger gemacht als gedacht, aber es ist ja auch Samstag und Wochenende - da geht es auch mal um Achtsamkeit. Mein Tag begann um 05:14 Uhr, allerdings sehr unfreiwillig, doch dann habe ich die Zeit genutzt und hatte ganz schnell die Klausuren von gestern korrigiert ;-) Das freut doch. Heute habe ich dann schnell eine Glückshose für meine Tochter genäht, bevor wir losgezogen sind, um einen Roller zu kaufen. Für eine Walkingrunde am Abend hat es auch noch gereicht.
The week was packed with events and work. At the moment I enjoy sewing leggings for my daughter as you can do this within half an hour. I did less than expected today but it is Saturday and weekend - sometimes everything's about mindfulness. My day began at 5:14 am - unintentionally - but I seized the opportunity and marked yesterday's classtests ;-) Yeah, this makes me happy. Today I made "leggings with luck" for my daughter before we went out to buy her a scooter-thingy. And there was enough time for walking.
Schnitt / Pattern: Ottobre Frühjahr 2015
Stoff: by graziela
km/m: 7,67 km / 4.76m
Zeit / Time: 1 h 22 min
verlinkt: karminrot
The week was packed with events and work. At the moment I enjoy sewing leggings for my daughter as you can do this within half an hour. I did less than expected today but it is Saturday and weekend - sometimes everything's about mindfulness. My day began at 5:14 am - unintentionally - but I seized the opportunity and marked yesterday's classtests ;-) Yeah, this makes me happy. Today I made "leggings with luck" for my daughter before we went out to buy her a scooter-thingy. And there was enough time for walking.
Schnitt / Pattern: Ottobre Frühjahr 2015
Stoff: by graziela
km/m: 7,67 km / 4.76m
Zeit / Time: 1 h 22 min
verlinkt: karminrot
Donnerstag, 22. September 2016
RUMS #38/16
Ach wie schön, ich kann mal wieder bei der Linkparty dabei sein! Gerade ist die Anleitung von Isabell Krämer, die ich im Geheimen getestet habe, veröffentlicht worden! Und das heißt, ich darf es hier zeigen. Ich hatte riesig Spaß beim Stricken und so langsam könnte ich den Pullunder auch mal wieder anziehen. Die Fotos entstanden im Osterurlaub im schönsten Sonnenschein. Gelaufen bin ich heute auch wieder - bin im Plan ;-)
How nice, I can be part of this blogger party! The pattern by Isabell Kraemer that I tested in secret has been published. This means that I can show it here. I enjoyed knitting very much and I guess I will be wearning it soon. The photos were taken during this year's Easter holidays in the lovely sunshine. I went walking today - plan is working out ;-)
Anleitung / Pattern: Double Windsor
Designer: Isabell Kraemer
Wolle / Yarn: Malabrigo Yarn Twist, 440g, Farbe: Lettuce
verlinkt: rums
km/m: 8,45 km / 5.25 m
Zeit/Time: 1h 23min
How nice, I can be part of this blogger party! The pattern by Isabell Kraemer that I tested in secret has been published. This means that I can show it here. I enjoyed knitting very much and I guess I will be wearning it soon. The photos were taken during this year's Easter holidays in the lovely sunshine. I went walking today - plan is working out ;-)
Anleitung / Pattern: Double Windsor
Designer: Isabell Kraemer
Wolle / Yarn: Malabrigo Yarn Twist, 440g, Farbe: Lettuce
verlinkt: rums
km/m: 8,45 km / 5.25 m
Zeit/Time: 1h 23min
Mittwoch, 21. September 2016
Leggings I
Meine Tochter liebt Leggings, manchmal weigert sie sich komplett Jeanshosen zu tragen, weil sie so kratzen. Da habe ich mal recherchiert und tatsächlich einen Schnitt Zuhause gehabt. Während der Computer zickte und ich nicht arbeiten konnte, weil meine Filmdateien sich einfach nicht ins Schneideprogramm importieren lassen, habe ich genäht. Zwangsweise nach der Arbeit, obwohl ich zugeben muss, dass ich es gleich noch einmal probieren werde ... Neben den ganzen anderen schönen Werken sind meine Leggings sehr einfach, aber praktisch und deshalb gehen sie trotzdem zur Linkparty ... Noch nicht einmal Zeit für richtige Fotos blieb heute ...
My daughter loves leggings, sometimes she refuses to wear jeans because they are so scratchy. I had a look and found a sewing pattern at home. While the computer was rebellious and I was unable to work as it refused to upload my film files to the cutting programme I did some sewing. I was forced to do it after work but I mus admit that I will have another go right now ... My leggings will seem very simple among all those stylish clothes but they are practical and will go to the party ...
Schnitt / Pattern: Ottobre, Frühjahr 2015
verlinkt: after work sewing
My daughter loves leggings, sometimes she refuses to wear jeans because they are so scratchy. I had a look and found a sewing pattern at home. While the computer was rebellious and I was unable to work as it refused to upload my film files to the cutting programme I did some sewing. I was forced to do it after work but I mus admit that I will have another go right now ... My leggings will seem very simple among all those stylish clothes but they are practical and will go to the party ...
Schnitt / Pattern: Ottobre, Frühjahr 2015
verlinkt: after work sewing
Dienstag, 20. September 2016
Schlafi I / PJ I
Da ich so gerne nähe und meine Kinder so gerne genähte Sachen bekommen und zum Glück noch wachsen, kann ich für sie nähen, ohne dass die Kleiderschränke explodieren. Das habe ich mal wieder ausgenutzt und diesen Schlafanzug genäht. Mir gefiel der Stoff ja nicht so gut, aber so als Schlafanzug finde ich es wirklich hübsch. Meine Tochter hat vor Freude noch ein bisschen geturnt.
As I like sewing so much and my kids like being given "handmade" clothes and luckily are still growing I can make them clothes without their wardrobes exploding. I took advantage of these facts and made these pyjamas. I didn't like the fabric that much but now in the form of pyjamas I think it's really nice. My daughter was so happy she did some gymnastics on the lawn.
Schnitte / Patterns: Tomboy von farbenmix, Mädchen-Variante, Gr. 110/116; Leggings aus Ottobre Frühjahr 2015
verlinkt: creadienstag | dienstagsdinge
As I like sewing so much and my kids like being given "handmade" clothes and luckily are still growing I can make them clothes without their wardrobes exploding. I took advantage of these facts and made these pyjamas. I didn't like the fabric that much but now in the form of pyjamas I think it's really nice. My daughter was so happy she did some gymnastics on the lawn.
Schnitte / Patterns: Tomboy von farbenmix, Mädchen-Variante, Gr. 110/116; Leggings aus Ottobre Frühjahr 2015
verlinkt: creadienstag | dienstagsdinge
Sonntag, 18. September 2016
Ruhiger als gedacht / More relaxed than expected
Das war mein Wochenende. Gerade bin ich ganz schön gefordert, was den Beruf angeht und zwei Wochen mit Halsschmerzen und Co sind auch ziemlich anstrengend, doch jetzt ist der Schnupfen da - vielleicht ist es dann ja bald weg. Es gibt nichts zu meckern, alles geht seinen Gang. Die Kinder hatten Schulfest, ich versuche den Großen zum Lernen zu animieren, ich mache meine Arbeit. Heute hatte ich Glück und habe es (auch wegen des Schnufpens) etwas langsamer angehen lassen. Dabei hatte ich Zeit für die Nähmaschine. Dieser Pulli ist für meine Tochter dabei entstanden, damit sie für den Herbst ausgestattet ist.
This was my weekend. I have quiet a lot of work at the moment and have just had two weeks of sore throat and the like which I find quite exhausting and now the bad cold has arrived - hopefully everything's going away now. I have nothing to complain about, everything is going according to schedule. The kids had their annual open day, I tried to get the eldest to revise for school, I did my work. Today I was lucky and did everything a little more relaxed (considering the cold). I had some time for the sewing machine. I made this jumper for my daughter so that she has some clothes for autumn.
Schnitt / Pattern: Tomboy von farbenmix, Mädchen-Variante, Gr. 110/116.
verlinkt: soulsister | karminrot
This was my weekend. I have quiet a lot of work at the moment and have just had two weeks of sore throat and the like which I find quite exhausting and now the bad cold has arrived - hopefully everything's going away now. I have nothing to complain about, everything is going according to schedule. The kids had their annual open day, I tried to get the eldest to revise for school, I did my work. Today I was lucky and did everything a little more relaxed (considering the cold). I had some time for the sewing machine. I made this jumper for my daughter so that she has some clothes for autumn.
Schnitt / Pattern: Tomboy von farbenmix, Mädchen-Variante, Gr. 110/116.
verlinkt: soulsister | karminrot
Samstag, 17. September 2016
Walking 37.2
Ich bin im Plan. Diese Woche war ich zwei Mal laufen. Heute Morgen war es auch noch schön warm. Mittlerweile regnet es zum Glück.
I am on schedule. This week I have been walking twiece. This morning it was nice and warm. In the meantime it has started to rain which I like.
Zeit / Time: 1 h 48 min
km / m: 10,61 km / 6.59 m
km/h / mph. 5,87 km/h / 3.65 mph
I am on schedule. This week I have been walking twiece. This morning it was nice and warm. In the meantime it has started to rain which I like.
Zeit / Time: 1 h 48 min
km / m: 10,61 km / 6.59 m
km/h / mph. 5,87 km/h / 3.65 mph
Freitag, 16. September 2016
4 Gründe zum Freuen / 4 reasons to be happy
Oder sind es doch 5? Oder 6? Mal überlegen ... Erstens ist Freitag, was ich diese Woche wirklich gut finde. Zweitens sind heute Stoffe bei mir angekommen, über die ich mich sehr gefreut habe. Drittens ist ein Knäuel Wolle angekommen, das ich für den guten Zweck verstricken soll. Viertens habe ich meine Tochter noch einmal in ihrem Pulli fotografieren können und hoffe, dass die Farben etwas besser dargestellt werden. Fünftens habe ich das Hausaufgabenheft meines Sohnes wiedergefunden, weswegen der Klassenlehrer bereits angerufen hatte. Sechstens bekommen wir heute Abend netten Besuch. Dann zeige ich euch noch ein paar Fotos von meinen Gründen.
Or do I have 5? Or 6? Let's think... Firstly it's Friday, which I really like this week. Secondly I received some fabrics I ordered and I am really happy about. Thirdly there was a skein of yarn in the post for a pair of socks that I will donate for the good cause. Fourthly I managed to make some more photos of my daughter in her new sweater and hope that the colours turned out better. Fifthly I found my son's school planner which has been lost for some time and his form teacher has already called us about it. Sixthly we are expecting lovely people for tonight. I'll show you some photos.
verlinkt: http://freutag.blogspot.de/2016/09/freutag-171.html
Or do I have 5? Or 6? Let's think... Firstly it's Friday, which I really like this week. Secondly I received some fabrics I ordered and I am really happy about. Thirdly there was a skein of yarn in the post for a pair of socks that I will donate for the good cause. Fourthly I managed to make some more photos of my daughter in her new sweater and hope that the colours turned out better. Fifthly I found my son's school planner which has been lost for some time and his form teacher has already called us about it. Sixthly we are expecting lovely people for tonight. I'll show you some photos.
verlinkt: http://freutag.blogspot.de/2016/09/freutag-171.html
Donnerstag, 15. September 2016
Walking 37.1
Das heutige Bild aus dem Wald möchte ich nicht unterschlagen. Auch nicht die Tatsache, dass es mit dem Fitness-Programm klappt. ;-)
I don't want to forget showing you today's photo from the forest. And I'd like to mention the fact that my fitness programme seems to be working.
Zeit/Time: 1h26min
km/m: 8,56km / 5.32m
I don't want to forget showing you today's photo from the forest. And I'd like to mention the fact that my fitness programme seems to be working.
Zeit/Time: 1h26min
km/m: 8,56km / 5.32m
Dienstag, 13. September 2016
Bei der Hitze ... / In this heat ...
... ist es sogar mir zu warm zum Stricken. Gestern Abend hatte ich schon Lust mich mit den Haien zu beschäftigen und habe den Stoff für ein T-Shirt zugeschnitten. Heute dann habe ich nach der Arbeit rasch das T-Shirt genäht. Hat richtig Spaß gemacht und passt besser als das erste. Eine Änderung noch und es wird perfekt. Dafür kann ich ja schon mal auf Stoffpirsch gehen ;-)
... even I find it too warm to knit really. Last night I was motivated to deal with the sharks and cut the fabric for a T-shirt. Today after work I sat down and made the tee. I enjoyed it very much and it fits better than the first one. One more change and it will be perfect. I will be on the lookout for new fabric.
Schnitt / Pattern: Mr. Raglan
Designer: Mialuna
Stoff: Diving with sharks, lillestoff
... even I find it too warm to knit really. Last night I was motivated to deal with the sharks and cut the fabric for a T-shirt. Today after work I sat down and made the tee. I enjoyed it very much and it fits better than the first one. One more change and it will be perfect. I will be on the lookout for new fabric.
Schnitt / Pattern: Mr. Raglan
Designer: Mialuna
Stoff: Diving with sharks, lillestoff
Sonntag, 11. September 2016
Sonntagsglück / Sunday happiness
Ich habe mich auch diesen Sonntag darüber hinweg gesetzt, nur zu arbeiten, obwohl das durchaus nötig gewesen wäre. Doch ein Burnout gilt es strikt zu vermeiden. Somit habe ich den Vormittag mit zwei Partien Memory eingeläutet, dann ein wenig gearbeitet, bin danach zu meiner Walking-Runde in den Wald aufgebrochen. Am Nachmittag habe ich mir etwas Zeit zum Stricken genommen und war dann noch im örtlichen Freibad, um dort den letzten Badetag mitzunehmen, außerdem brauchte ich ja noch ein Foto vom neuen T-Shirt. Also gilt es nun wieder festzustellen, dass ich mich vor dem Aufräumen gedrückt habe und wieder mal mit mehr Stress in den Sonntagabend gehe als mir lieb ist.
This Sunday I took the liberty again not to work all day despite all the work there is. But I strictly want to avoid a burnout. So I started the day with two rounds of the memory game, did some work, went to do my walking round through the forrest. In the afternoon I sat down to knit a bit and went to the local swimming baths to enjoy the last day of the outdoor swimming season and furthermore I needed a photo of my new T-shirt. So I can state that I have again successfully avoided tidying my desk and have a little more stress on a Sunday evening than I would like.
Schnitt/Pattern: Kimono Tee
Designer: Maria Denmark
Stoff: Stoff und Stil
verlinkt: soulsister | karminrot
This Sunday I took the liberty again not to work all day despite all the work there is. But I strictly want to avoid a burnout. So I started the day with two rounds of the memory game, did some work, went to do my walking round through the forrest. In the afternoon I sat down to knit a bit and went to the local swimming baths to enjoy the last day of the outdoor swimming season and furthermore I needed a photo of my new T-shirt. So I can state that I have again successfully avoided tidying my desk and have a little more stress on a Sunday evening than I would like.
Schnitt/Pattern: Kimono Tee
Designer: Maria Denmark
Stoff: Stoff und Stil
verlinkt: soulsister | karminrot
Samstag, 10. September 2016
Ich freue mich auf ... / I am looking forward ...
die Nähmaschine. Nachdem ich festgestellt habe, dass ich erstmal aufräumen muss, um ein Dokument zu erstellen, habe ich beschlossen mich doch lieber an die Nähmaschine zu setzen. Es ist ja immerhin Samstag. Diesen Stoff habe ich am Dienstag in Köln gekauft als Belohnung sozusagen, leider hatte ich es ein wenig eilig, aber gut, es geht nicht immer alles. Bevor ich gleich definitiv noch das Wohnzimmer aufräumen muss (der Schreibtisch kommt wohl erst morgen dran), nähe ich mir jetzt noch schnell was.
to my sewing machine. Having realised that I have to tidy things before being able to write a document I decided to sit down in front of the sewing machine. It is Saturday after all. I bought this fabric in Cologne as a reward, unfortunately I was in a hurry but that's life, you can't have everything. Before I am tidying the living room - a must today (my desk will have to wait till tomorrow), I will sew myself something.
Stoff: Jersey von Stoff und Stil
to my sewing machine. Having realised that I have to tidy things before being able to write a document I decided to sit down in front of the sewing machine. It is Saturday after all. I bought this fabric in Cologne as a reward, unfortunately I was in a hurry but that's life, you can't have everything. Before I am tidying the living room - a must today (my desk will have to wait till tomorrow), I will sew myself something.
Stoff: Jersey von Stoff und Stil
Donnerstag, 8. September 2016
Walking 36.1
Heute Morgen bin ich im Herbst losgelaufen und im Sommer zurückgekommen. Diese knapp 90 Minuten waren die entspanntesten des Tages.
This morning I went out of the house in autumn and come home im summer. These nearyl 90 minutes were the most relaxing of the day.
km: 8.52
This morning I went out of the house in autumn and come home im summer. These nearyl 90 minutes were the most relaxing of the day.
km: 8.52
Mittwoch, 7. September 2016
Die erste Herbstware / The first autumn gear
Heute ist doch endlich mal wieder etwas fertig geworden. Ich habe wieder mit langärmeligen Teilen angefangen. Der Stoff hat mir so richtig gut gefallen und meiner Tochter zum Glück auch. Vorhin habe ich ihn in ihren Schrank gelegt.
Today I managed to finish something. I have started making things with long sleeves. I really liked the fabric when I saw it and my daughter liked it, too. I have just put it in her wardrobe.
Schnitt / Pattern: Tomboy, Mädchen-Variante, Gr. 110/116
Designer: farbenmix
Stoff: Lillestoff
verlinkt: afterworksewing
Today I managed to finish something. I have started making things with long sleeves. I really liked the fabric when I saw it and my daughter liked it, too. I have just put it in her wardrobe.
Schnitt / Pattern: Tomboy, Mädchen-Variante, Gr. 110/116
Designer: farbenmix
Stoff: Lillestoff
verlinkt: afterworksewing
Sonntag, 4. September 2016
Walking 35
Diese Woche war die erste komplette Schulwoche und da habe ich doch gemerkt, wie viel Zeit ich da doch investiere - ich meine Schule und meine drei Schulkinder. Das meine ich nicht meckernd, denn ich arbeite sehr gerne (einen Teil der Arbeit kann man hier nachlesen) und Kinder erziehen muss halt sein. Was mich sehr gefreut hat, war, dass ich es geschafft habe, zwei Mal laufen zu gehen. Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob ich das im großen Stress auch weiter schaffen werde. Doch nun gut, freue ich mich erstmal an dieser Woche. Für die Nähmaschine blieb dann auch noch Zeit und ein bisschen gestrickt habe ich auch. Jetzt werde ich noch meine Tasche packen und dann reicht es mir für diese Woche.
This week was my first complete week back at school and I realised how much time I invest in school - my own school and my three pupils. I don't complain about this as I enjoy working and you have to look after your children. What really pleased me this week was the fact that I went walking twice. It remains to be seen whether I will be able to do so when stress levels rise. But well, I am happy about this week. There was some time for the sewing maching and I did some knitting. Now I am going to pack my bag and that's enough for this week.
01.09.: 1 h 26 min, 8,48 km/5.27 m
03.09.: 1 h 50 min, 10,52 km/ 6.54 m
verlinkt: sonntagsglück
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Hier geht es bergauf - it's going uphill here. |
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Herbstfarben - autumn colours |
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Ich liebe diese Sonnensprenkel - I love the sun. |
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Geburtstagsvorbereitungen - Birthday preparations. |
This week was my first complete week back at school and I realised how much time I invest in school - my own school and my three pupils. I don't complain about this as I enjoy working and you have to look after your children. What really pleased me this week was the fact that I went walking twice. It remains to be seen whether I will be able to do so when stress levels rise. But well, I am happy about this week. There was some time for the sewing maching and I did some knitting. Now I am going to pack my bag and that's enough for this week.
01.09.: 1 h 26 min, 8,48 km/5.27 m
03.09.: 1 h 50 min, 10,52 km/ 6.54 m
verlinkt: sonntagsglück
Donnerstag, 1. September 2016
Streifen / Stripes
Streifen zu stricken macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern ist auch ziemlich motivierend, weil frau sich denkt, ach einen noch ... Und so ist ruckzuck der Pulli fertig. Diesen hier habe ich auch schon länger fertig hier liegen, jedoch wollte meine Tochter mit mir die Kordel machen, was wir erst heute geschafft haben. Gewaschen habe ich den Pulli auch noch nicht, es war ja noch so warm. Somit gibt es ein so gut wie fertiges Projekt zu sehen. Ich freue mich auf den Herbst, wenn ich diesen Pulli anziehen kann, er ist so kuschelig.
Knitting stripes is not only enjoyable but also pretty motivating as you keep thinking one more ... And suddenly your jumper is finished. This one has been lying here for quite a while but my daughter wanted to help making the cord but we only managed to do so today. This sweater has not even been washed as it was still so hot. So you can only see a nearly finished project. I am looking forward to autumn when I will wear this beauty, it is so cozy, too.
Anleitung / Pattern: Lenja
Designer: Jana Huck
Wolle / Yarn: Arwetta Classic, 504 and 545 m in red and grey
verlinkt: rums
Knitting stripes is not only enjoyable but also pretty motivating as you keep thinking one more ... And suddenly your jumper is finished. This one has been lying here for quite a while but my daughter wanted to help making the cord but we only managed to do so today. This sweater has not even been washed as it was still so hot. So you can only see a nearly finished project. I am looking forward to autumn when I will wear this beauty, it is so cozy, too.
Anleitung / Pattern: Lenja
Designer: Jana Huck
Wolle / Yarn: Arwetta Classic, 504 and 545 m in red and grey
verlinkt: rums
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