Heute möchte ich euch zeigen, wie ich meine Woche im Bullet Journal aufbaue, um den Überblick über alle Familienmitglieder zu behalten. Dazu mache ich mir eine Tabelle. Die beiden kleinen Spalten nutze ich für das Datum und das Wetter. Die größeren Spalten sind für mich - in die erste Spalte trage ich meine dienstlichen Termine ein, in die zweite meine nachmittäglichen Termine. Die dritte Spalte ist für den Rest der Familie gedacht. Somit habe ich meistens einen ganz guten Überblick.
Today I am showing you how I am using my bullet journal to get an overview of what the members of the family are up to. To do so I create a table. The small columns are used for the date and the weather. The bigger columns are used for myself - I use the first one for my work appointments and the second one for the things I am doing in the afternoon. The third column is for my family's appointments. This is how I try to juggle everything.
Materialien / Supplies (selbstgekauft / paid for by myself):
Leuchtturm1917, dotted in pink
Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pen in phthalo blue 110
Montag, 30. April 2018
Dienstag, 17. April 2018
Happy birthday
Heute wäre der 100. Geburtstag meiner Oma Frieda gewesen. Prost!
Today would have been my Grandmother Frieda's 100th birthday. Cheers!
Today would have been my Grandmother Frieda's 100th birthday. Cheers!
Sonntag, 15. April 2018
Woche 15 | Week 15
Diese Woche war die erste Woche nach den Ferien, was ja eine besondere Herausforderung darstellt. Also war ich am Montag entsprechend müde. Nachdem ich zu Mittag gegessen hatte, bin ich raus gegangen und habe angefangen die Terassen zu putzen. Das war wirklich aktive Erholung. Der Dienstag stand im Zeichen des Staus, aber gut, ich war froh, dass wir zufällig richtig früh losgefahren waren und unseren Termin trotzdem einhalten konnten. Der Mittwoch bescherte mir einen Elternabend - muss ich nicht haben, aber so ist es halt. Am Donnerstag hatte ich richtig, richtig gute Laune (ich weiß auch nicht woher) und ganz viel Frühjahrsmüdigkeit. Der Nachmittag war nett, weil meine Kinder mit mir eine Runde spazierengegangen sind. Am Freitag war bei uns das große Einkaufen angesagt und am Abend hatte ich Stricktreffen. Am Samstag Morgen merkte ich, dass erstmal an Arbeit nicht zu denken war, habe ich damit angefangen mein Arbeitszimmer aufzuräumen - begonnen habe ich mit dem Schreibtisch, um dort mehr Platz zu haben. Jetzt bin ich zufrieden und werde mich gleich mal wieder dransetzen. Ich zeige euch ein Foto von meiner Woche im Bullet Journal.
This week was the first week after the holidays which is always a special challenge. So I was really tired on Monday. After having eaten lunch I went outside to start cleaning the patios. This was really relaxing - sort of active relaxation. Tuesday was a day of traffic jams but I was happy that we drove off with plenty of time by coincidence so that we were on time. On Wednesday I had to attend a parent's - I don't really like it, but well, that's life. On Thursday I was in a really good mood (I don't know why and how) and had a large portion of spring tiredness. The afternoon was nice because my children took a walk with me. Friday was a shopping day with all the family. In the evening I met up with lovely ladies for knitting. On Saturday morning I realised that I couldn't start working directly after waking up so I started tidying my study - I began with my desk so that I have more space for working. Now I am satisfied and will take a seat at my desk. I am showing you a photo of my week in my bullet journal.
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Mittagessen am Montag - Lunch on Monday |
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Mittagessen am Freitag - Lunch on Friday |
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Einkauf am Samstag - Shopping on Saturday |
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Korrigieren - Marking |
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Bullet Journal |
This week was the first week after the holidays which is always a special challenge. So I was really tired on Monday. After having eaten lunch I went outside to start cleaning the patios. This was really relaxing - sort of active relaxation. Tuesday was a day of traffic jams but I was happy that we drove off with plenty of time by coincidence so that we were on time. On Wednesday I had to attend a parent's - I don't really like it, but well, that's life. On Thursday I was in a really good mood (I don't know why and how) and had a large portion of spring tiredness. The afternoon was nice because my children took a walk with me. Friday was a shopping day with all the family. In the evening I met up with lovely ladies for knitting. On Saturday morning I realised that I couldn't start working directly after waking up so I started tidying my study - I began with my desk so that I have more space for working. Now I am satisfied and will take a seat at my desk. I am showing you a photo of my week in my bullet journal.
Donnerstag, 12. April 2018
Frische Socken | Fresh socks
In diesem Jahr habe ich mal wieder ein Tausendschön-Wollabo und zwar diesmal so schöne, bunte Verwegene. Und ich muss sagen, das macht wirklich Spaß zu stricken. Das Muster übrigens auch. Also habe ich pünktlich zu Frühlingsbeginn neue, warme, schöne Socken. Tralalala.
This year I have another yarn subscription by Tausendschön which gives me lovely sprinkled yarn each month. And I must say I really enjoy knitting those lovely colours. The pattern is great, too. So I have a new pair of nice, warm and beautiful socks just as spring is breaking.
Wolle / Yarn: Tausendschön Abo-Verwegener, 75/25
Anleitung / Pattern: Fischernetze
Designer: Elke Becker
verlinkt: rums
This year I have another yarn subscription by Tausendschön which gives me lovely sprinkled yarn each month. And I must say I really enjoy knitting those lovely colours. The pattern is great, too. So I have a new pair of nice, warm and beautiful socks just as spring is breaking.
Wolle / Yarn: Tausendschön Abo-Verwegener, 75/25
Anleitung / Pattern: Fischernetze
Designer: Elke Becker
verlinkt: rums
Sonntag, 8. April 2018
Woche 14 | Week 14
Diese Woche wollte ich ganz besonders gestalten, denn es war die zweite Osterferienwoche. Ich wollte Sachen erledigen, aber auch endlich mal Dinge machen, die ich im ersten Vierteljahr einfach nicht geschafft habe. Das ist mir ganz gut gelungen. Am Montag sind wir aus dem Urlaub zurückgekommen und ich habe den Abend erstmal genutzt, um einzukaufen - ich habe einen Preis gewonnen und das Geld muss ausgegeben werden. Privat war ich auch noch auf Einkaufstour: Stifte, Stempel, Stühle - schöne Alliteration - und Gartenmöbel. Der Samstag hat mir besonders gut gefallen, denn ich habe mit einem meiner Kinder die erste Radtour des Jahres gemacht (Nordkirchen - Lüdinghausen - Nordkirchen) - zu schön.
I wanted to make this week a good one as it was the second week of the Easter holidays. I planned to get some things done (well, at least start them) and felt I wanted to do things I have not had the time to do in the first quarter of the year. I think I managed quite well. On Monday we came back from our holiday and I used the evening to do some shopping - I won a prize and started spending the prize money. I also did some private shopping for pens, stamps, chairs and garden furniture. Saturday was the nicest day as I went cycling with one of kids for the first time this year.
verlinkt: samstagsplausch
I wanted to make this week a good one as it was the second week of the Easter holidays. I planned to get some things done (well, at least start them) and felt I wanted to do things I have not had the time to do in the first quarter of the year. I think I managed quite well. On Monday we came back from our holiday and I used the evening to do some shopping - I won a prize and started spending the prize money. I also did some private shopping for pens, stamps, chairs and garden furniture. Saturday was the nicest day as I went cycling with one of kids for the first time this year.
verlinkt: samstagsplausch
bullet journal,
Freitag, 6. April 2018
Wandern mit Kindern I / Hiking with kids I
Vor den Ferien kroch ich hier auf dem Zahnfleisch, doch gegen Ende der Ferien fühle ich mich nun wieder besser. Am besten ist für mich die Natur, denn dort kann ich am besten entspannen. So führte uns unsere erste Wanderung im Urlaub an den Lac Blanc. Das ist ein wunderschöner See, dessen weiße Farbe durch Kreide entsteht, in den Vogesen. Wir fuhren also mit dem Auto auf über 1000m und landeten im Schnee. Warm genug angezogen waren wir, doch wir waren unsicher, ob wir die richtige Ausrüstung für eine Wanderung im Schnee dabei hatten. Aber gut, Versuch macht klug.
Die Wanderung begann mit einem steilen Anstieg über Eis, das zum Glück mit einer dünnen Schicht Neuschnee bedeckt war, was uns besseren Halt gab. Allerdings war es für unsere Familie nicht ohne und die Wanderung über den Grat des Sees wäre noch wunderschön, aber ziemlich lang gewesen, so dass wir uns nach einer guten Stunde entschlossen umzukehren. Es fehlten uns dann doch die Spikes.
Dafür sind wir dann mit dem Auto zum Lac Noir gefahren, der seine Farbe vom Schiefer bekommt. Es war wunderschön - ich könnte gerade wieder hin - guckt euch mal die Bilder an.
I was absolutely out of energy before the holidays but now at the end of the holidays I feel much better. The best place for me to refill my batteries is outside in nature, this is where I can relax best. This is why our first hike took us to Lac Blanc. It is a beautiful lake which received its name from the chalk stone. We took the car to take us to a height of 1000 metres and ended up in snow. We had warm enough clothes on but were a little insecure if we had the necessary equipment for a hike in snow. But we tried anyway.
The hike began with a steep climb over ice, which was covered with a layer of freshly fallen snow which gave us some grip. However this climb was quite something for our family and walking across the ridge of the lake would have been quite long so we decided to go back after about an hour. We would have needed spikes.
We took the car to get to Lac Noir which gets its colour from slate. It was so beautiful - I could go back right now - have a look at the photos.
Teil II / Part II
Die Wanderung begann mit einem steilen Anstieg über Eis, das zum Glück mit einer dünnen Schicht Neuschnee bedeckt war, was uns besseren Halt gab. Allerdings war es für unsere Familie nicht ohne und die Wanderung über den Grat des Sees wäre noch wunderschön, aber ziemlich lang gewesen, so dass wir uns nach einer guten Stunde entschlossen umzukehren. Es fehlten uns dann doch die Spikes.
Dafür sind wir dann mit dem Auto zum Lac Noir gefahren, der seine Farbe vom Schiefer bekommt. Es war wunderschön - ich könnte gerade wieder hin - guckt euch mal die Bilder an.
I was absolutely out of energy before the holidays but now at the end of the holidays I feel much better. The best place for me to refill my batteries is outside in nature, this is where I can relax best. This is why our first hike took us to Lac Blanc. It is a beautiful lake which received its name from the chalk stone. We took the car to take us to a height of 1000 metres and ended up in snow. We had warm enough clothes on but were a little insecure if we had the necessary equipment for a hike in snow. But we tried anyway.
The hike began with a steep climb over ice, which was covered with a layer of freshly fallen snow which gave us some grip. However this climb was quite something for our family and walking across the ridge of the lake would have been quite long so we decided to go back after about an hour. We would have needed spikes.
We took the car to get to Lac Noir which gets its colour from slate. It was so beautiful - I could go back right now - have a look at the photos.
Teil II / Part II
Donnerstag, 5. April 2018
Hello Baby!
Zur Geburt eines Kindes im Freundeskreis habe ich ein Geschenk gestrickt - ich stricke so gerne diesen Strampler, allerdings lasse ich die Füße immer weg, weil ich finde, dass er so besser mit wachsen kann. Wie immer habe ich einfach Sockenwolle genommen, denn die ist so schön strapazierfähig und maschinenwaschbar.
I knitted a present for the youngest child who was born recently - I enjoy knitting this romper so much. However I don't knit the socks because I believe it can be worn longer that way. As usual I used sockyarn as it is very durable and machine washable.
Anleitung / Pattern: Pepita
Designer: Martina Behm
Wolle: Sockenwolle
I knitted a present for the youngest child who was born recently - I enjoy knitting this romper so much. However I don't knit the socks because I believe it can be worn longer that way. As usual I used sockyarn as it is very durable and machine washable.
Anleitung / Pattern: Pepita
Designer: Martina Behm
Wolle: Sockenwolle
Mittwoch, 4. April 2018
Essen in Frankreich | Food in France
Im Deutschen gibt es ja ein Sprichwort zu dem Thema: "Essen wie Gott in Frankreich". Aus meinem Urlaub letzte Woche muss ich sagen, dass ich das nicht so einfach fand, etwas nach meinem Geschmack zu finden. Es gibt immer nur sehr wenige vegetarische Gerichte auf der Karte. Wie gut, dass unser Ferienhaus einen Raclette-Grill hatte! Und Süßes habe ich auch probiert.
In Germany there is a saying on this topic: "Eating like God in France". I must say from my experience last week that I did not find it so easy to find something I liked. There were very few vegetarian options on the menu. Good that our holiday home had a raclette. And I tried some sweets.
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Etwas Vegetarisches ohne Geschmack - dafür gibt es geriebenen Knollensellerie im Salat. - Something vegetarian without a taste - the salad has grated knob celery. |
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Fleischesser nehmen einfach Flammkuchen mit Munster-Käse. - Carnivores have an easy life: tarte flambée with Munster cheese. |
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Vegetarischer Salat. - Vegetarian salad. |
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Eclair. |
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Tarte au chocolat. |
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Tarte au noix et caramel. |
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Tarte au citron. |
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Käse - cheese |
In Germany there is a saying on this topic: "Eating like God in France". I must say from my experience last week that I did not find it so easy to find something I liked. There were very few vegetarian options on the menu. Good that our holiday home had a raclette. And I tried some sweets.
Dienstag, 3. April 2018
Ich stricke noch / I am still knitting
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass es schon lange nichts Gestricktes mehr zu sehen gab, was bei dem Namen dieses Blogs eigentlich schade ist. Doch ich nähe ja mittlerweile auch, führe mein Bullet Journal und bin dadurch wieder zum Malen gekommen. Außerdem bin ich beruflich ziemlich engagiert, sodass die Zeit nicht gerade üppig ist. Trotzdem entspannt mich das Stricken wirklich sehr und ich bin bemüht, meinen Stash abzuarbeiten (auch wenn der vergleichsweise klein ist). Heute zeige ich euch ein Paar Socken, die kürzlich fertig geworden sind. Die Farben gefallen mir so richtig gut - allerdings habe ich diesen Winter gar nicht so viele gestrickte Socken getragen ...
I have the feeling that I have not shown anything I knitted for ages which is a little sad regarding the name of this blog (Sandra's knitted items). But as I am also sewing and keeping a bullet journal which has also reminded me of how much I like painting. Moreover I am very committed at work so that I don't have that much free time. Nevertheless knitting still is stress relief for me and I am trying to use up my stash (which is relatively small). Today I am showing you a pair of socks that I have finished recently. I really like the colours - unfortunately I have not worn handknitted socks so often this winter ...
Wolle / Yarn: Tausendschön Handgefärbte Sockenwolle 75/25
Muster / Pattern: 3re 1li / k3 p1
Verlinkt: creadienstag
I have the feeling that I have not shown anything I knitted for ages which is a little sad regarding the name of this blog (Sandra's knitted items). But as I am also sewing and keeping a bullet journal which has also reminded me of how much I like painting. Moreover I am very committed at work so that I don't have that much free time. Nevertheless knitting still is stress relief for me and I am trying to use up my stash (which is relatively small). Today I am showing you a pair of socks that I have finished recently. I really like the colours - unfortunately I have not worn handknitted socks so often this winter ...
Wolle / Yarn: Tausendschön Handgefärbte Sockenwolle 75/25
Muster / Pattern: 3re 1li / k3 p1
Verlinkt: creadienstag
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