Heute Morgen bin ich dann endlich wieder walken gegangen, das habe ich doch vermisst. Hoffentlich wird mein Stresspegel ab jetzt wieder einigermaßen normal, damit ich wieder zwei Mal in der Woche walken kann. Ich merke, wie gut mir das tut.
Einfach dem Weg folgen. - Simply follow the path. |
I am amazed how much one week can bring ... I was off ill for two days, spent a whole day on the HannoverFair, one day I had six lessons and four hours of in-service training, one day of driving around a lot, I spent a whole day on a 70th birthday party and needed some rest on the seventh day.
This moring I went out to walk through the woods which I missed so much. Hopefully my stress levels will adjust so that I can go out and walk twice a week. I realise how much I need this.
Zeit / Time: 1h47min
Km/m: 9,84 km / 6.12m
km/h / mph: 5,51 km/h / 3.43mph
verlinkt: #sonntagsglück #miss red fox
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